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We found 312 records in 31 states for Anita Patel in our US directory. The top state of residence is Georgia, followed by Pennsylvania. The average Anita Patel is around 52 years of age with around 50% falling in the 51-60 age group. Our public records names directory may include previous & current home addresses, cell phones and more. See more...
Anita Patel may live at 4615 Center Blvd Apt 310 in Long Island City, NY with an 718 area phone number and may have connections to Rupal H Patel, Mukesh Patel and Ashish H Patel.
Anita Patel, also possibly known as Anita R Patel, has a last known location of 937 Garrison Ridge Blvd in Knoxville, TN using the 865-671-7191 phone number. Potential relatives are Ginger N Shead and Amrish D Patel.
Anita may go by Patel Anita, Anit Patel or Anita Patel Thakkar and have relatives of Alpa P Scarbrough and Anita J Patel.
Anita Patel, also possibly known as Anita V Patel, has a last known location of 118 Spring Creek Law Rd in Jackson, TN using the 731-267-2876 phone number. Potential relatives are Shruti N Patel, Jayesbhai T Desai and C M Patel.
Anita Patel, also possibly known as Anitaben Patel, has a last known location of 245 E 54th St Apt 28h in New York, NY using the 503-880-0648 phone number. Potential relatives are Jitendra J Patel, Manisha K Patel and Devyani M Patel.
Anita Patel may live at 1237 N Jefferson St in Dublin, GA with an 478 area phone number and may have connections to Jit Patel, Shital A Patel and Kaushik Patel.
Anita Patel may live at 6906 10 Timbers Ln in Baltimore, MD with an 410 area phone number and may have connections to Manish B Patel, Daxaben H Patel and Naran G Patel.
Anita Patel may live at 2029 Bromley Ct in Augusta, GA with an 646 area phone number and may have connections to Siddharth J Patel and Toral S Patel.
Anita may go by Nitaben Patel and have relatives of Mita D Patel, Jyostma Patel and Harshadbh J Patel.
Anita Patel, also possibly known as Anita B Patel, has a last known location of 1920 S St NW Apt 406 in Washington, DC using the 703-971-7330 phone number. Potential relatives are Anita Patel, Yogini T Patel and Asha K Patel.
Anita may go by Amita D Patel or Amitaben Patel and have relatives of Arvind B Patel, Umesh R Patel and Bipin J Patel.
Anita may go by Asmita Patel and have relatives of Sumitra R Patel, Rakesh B Patel and Rajne Patel.
Anita may go by Anita M Patel, Maganbhai Patel or Maganbhai P Patel and have relatives of Amrita H Patel, Van H Patel and Mahendra H Patel.
Anita may go by Anitaben Patel and have relatives of Rita Rajnikant Patel, Kartik R Patel and Krishna Patel.
Anita Patel may live at 890 Floral Ave in Union, NJ with an 908 area phone number and may have connections to Sima R Patel, Anjana M Patel and Pravin B Colil.
Anita may go by Anita J Patel and have relatives of Jashbhai C Ray, Cheryl T Drakeford and Nil J Ray.
Anita may go by Patel Anita, Anita S Patel, Anita M Patel or Ana Patel and have relatives of Sevanti M Patez, Kinnari Nitin Patel and Meena Patel.
Anita may go by Rajesh Patel and have relatives of Ramesh S Patel, Maya N Patel and Radha G Patel.
Source: U.S. Census Surname Data
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