Trying to find a person named Andrea Gross who resides in Pennsylvania? We identified 12 records across 22 cities. See their details which may consist of contact details, employment histories, house addresses and telephone numbers. By the numbers, most of them live in Reading or Philadelphia. When taking a look at their birth years, Andrea is usually 54 years of age, with nearly 75% classified in the 41-60 age bracket. See more...

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Andrea J Gross  |  Sharpsville, Pennsylvania
Age: 61
Phone Number: 
780 Crestview Dr, Sharpsville, PA ; 713 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Farrell, PA ; 720 Spruce Ave, Sharon, PA
Richard L Gross, Sheila M Gross, Emily Gross
Andrea L Gross  |  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Age: 45
Phone Number: 
724-348-6868, 724-899-3805, 724-348-6199
219 Parkedge Rd, Pittsburgh, PA ; 6503 Simmons Ave, South Park, PA ; 2404 Hookstown Grade Rd, Clinton, PA
David J Gross, David Allen Gross, Linda Ann Gross
Seen As:
Anderal Gross
Previous Locations:
Terre Haute, IN
Andrea J Gross  |  Reading, Pennsylvania
Age: 56
Phone Number: 
20 W 35th St, Reading, PA ; 5 Hearthstone Ct, Reading, PA ; 5 Hearthstone Ct Ste 103, Reading, PA
Bebe Gross Perlberg, E A Wilson, Lloyd J Gross
Previous Locations:
Philadelphia, PA
Job Title:
Investment Advisor at Lpl Financial
Work Email:
Andrea B Gross  |  Reading, Pennsylvania
Age: 51
Phone Number: 
610-781-0968, 610-927-3404, 610-775-3337
110 Rose Ct, Reading, PA ; 163 E College Ave, Wernersville, PA ; 219 Stirrup Ln, Harrisburg, PA
Valerie Gross, Joseph M Kalis, Joseph M Gross
Previous Locations:
Bernville, PA
Job Title:
Xo Communications
Work Email:,
Andrea G Gross  |  Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
Age: 66
Phone Number: 
108 Union Ave, Bala Cynwyd, PA ; Po Box 78, Colleyville, TX ; 2607 Meandering Ct, Colleyville, TX
Robert H Gross, Robert D Gross, Robert H Gross
Previous Locations:
Bryn Mawr, PA; Fort Worth, TX
Andrea Gross  |  Easton, Pennsylvania
Age: 53
4 Tulip Ct, Easton, PA ; 20920 18th Ave Apt 6a, Bayside, NY ; 4 1st St, Coventry, RI
Marcos D Cartagena, Ken A Gross, Marcy S Gross
Previous Locations:
Montauk, NY
Andrea H Gross  |  Jamison, Pennsylvania
Age: 61
2707 Virginia Ct, Jamison, PA ; 9742 Cowden St, Philadelphia, PA ; 1501 Gause Blvd, Slidell, LA
Lois G Gross, Eugene M Gross, Theodore Kimelheim
Previous Locations:
Conshohocken, PA
Andrea R Gross  |  Media, Pennsylvania
Age: 49
109 Haldeman St, Media, PA ; 2420 14th St NW Apt 618, Washington, DC ; 1513 Swann St NW, Washington, DC
Laura E Gross, Estelle S Gross, D Gross
Previous Locations:
Swarthmore, PA
Andrea Gross  |  Johnson City, New York
Age: 56
Phone Number: 
212-749-3370, 607-729-1802
29 Dayton St, Johnson City, NY ; 64 Broad St, Johnson City, NY ; 64 Broad St # 2, Johnson City, NY
Annabelle Gross, Gina R Gross, Anthony O Gross
Previous Locations:
Tobyhanna, PA; New York, NY
Andrea J Gross  |  Aurora, Colorado
Age: 44
Phone Number: 
724-434-2353, 720-870-0673
14133 E Quinn Cir, Aurora, CO ; 1550 Stoney Brook Ln, Boone, NC ; 5422 S Cathay Way, Centennial, CO
Nicole Gross, Virginia Grimsley
Seen As:
Andrea Janell Gross
Previous Locations:
Uniontown, PA; Hamilton, NY; Farmville, VA; Indianapolis, IN; Pueblo, CO; Williamsburg, VA
Work Email:
Andrea L Gross  |  Fellsmere, Florida
Age: 47
Phone Number: 
13920 83rd St, Fellsmere, FL ; 534 Springdale Rd, Eighty Four, PA ; 927 SW 22nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Michael J Reyna, Stephanie L Gross, Carrie Reyna
Seen As:
Andrea Laura Gross
Andrea Lillyan Gross  |  San Francisco, California
Age: 58
Phone Number: 
3151 Franklin St Apt 8, San Francisco, CA ; 6550 Vallejo St Ste 100, Emeryville, CA ; 4810 41st St NW, Washington, DC
John F Gross, Stacey J Gross, Steve B Herz
Previous Locations:
Sacramento, CA; Allentown, PA
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Public records available for people named Andrea Gross

Andrea may have public records you can use to identify more information about them in relation to Pennsylvania. Try using our public records search for Andrea Gross. These records use their legal name and can help you find them in Pennsylvania. They are worth looking into because they originate from the local county or Pennsylvania state government. You can use this information for various applications, including trying to find an individual's address in Pennsylvania, genealogy research and other investigative purposes.
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Andrea Gross Phone Numbers

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Looking for a different Andrea?

Trying to find Andrea Gross in Pennsylvania? We can help you find prospective matches using our people finder database. Start by searching for their complete name with the person lookup search bar. Next, narrow down the results using their understood age and geographic location in Pennsylvania by entering the city. You could discover where they live at their residence address and how you may manage to call them by phone or email them. You can also discover potential matches for Andrea's alias names, social profiles, neighbors in Pennsylvania and relatives.

FAQ: Learn more about Andrea Gross

What is Andrea Gross' address?
Andrea Gross' address is 780 Crestview Dr, Sharpsville, Pennsylvania 16150. Andrea may also have lived in Terre Haute, IN
What is Andrea Gross' phone number?
Andrea Gross' phone number is 724-348-6199. Other phone numbers for Andrea Gross may include 610-779-5232.
What is Andrea Gross' age?
Average age for Andrea Gross is 54 years old.
What is Andrea Gross' email address?
Andrea Gross' email address is andrea****** We have 1 additional email on file for Andrea.

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