Want to know more about Amparo Nunez? We found 40 records in 11 states for Amparo in our United States directory. You could find out more about potential matches by looking into contact detail matches, potential work histories, home addresses, and telephone records. The average Amparo is about 68 years of age with about 45% in the 61-80 age bracket. See more...

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Amparo Nunez in Garden City, Kansas  |  Age Age: 67
Amparo Nunez addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 302 E Hillside Ave, Garden City, KS
  • Rr 1 # 54, Tribune, KS
  • 4101 E Us Highway 50 Lot 34, Garden City, KS
Amparo Nunez phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 620-275-8973
Amparo Nunez relatives
Possible Associates & Relatives
Amparo R Nunez in San Antonio, Florida  |  Age Age: 76
Amparo Nunez addresses
Current & Historical Addresses

These addresses may include houses, apartments, rental property, and other associated addresses

  • 12548 Magnolia St, San Antonio, FL
  • Po Box 772, San Antonio, FL
  • 13129 Saint Francis Ln, Thonotosassa, FL
Amparo Nunez phone numbers
Related Phone Numbers

These people may include immediate and extended family members and other connected individuals

  • 352-588-9850,
  • 352-874-5075
Amparo Nunez  |  Miami, Florida

Amparo Nunez may live at 5645 SW 131st Ct in Miami, FL with an 305 area phone number and may have connections to Alberto Muniz and Liannes Nuviola.

Age: 56
Phone Number: 
305-804-4264, 305-693-3495, 305-821-0318
5645 SW 131st Ct, Miami, FL ; 210 E 49th St, Hialeah, FL ; Po Box 139003, Hialeah, FL
Alberto Muniz, Liannes Nuviola
Seen As:
Amparo L Nunez, Amparo Lien Nunez, Lien Nunez Lahera Amparo, Amparo L Nunez Lahera
Amparo Nunez Nunez  |  Washington, DC

Amparo Nunez may live at 2605 N Capitol St NE in Washington, DC with an 202 area phone number and may have connections to Andrea A Silverio, Maria E Nunez and Ruth F Moreau.

Age: 55
Phone Number: 
202-832-5532, 202-265-2605
2605 N Capitol St NE, Washington, DC ; 2845 Mills Ave NE, Washington, DC ; 4401 W St NW # A, Washington, DC
Andrea A Silverio, Maria E Nunez, Ruth F Moreau
Seen As:
Parra Amparo Nunez, Amparo Nunez Deparra
Amparo B Nunez  |  Yuma, Arizona
Age: 83
8687 E Bronco Rd, Yuma, AZ ; 2687 Bronco Rd, Yuma, AZ ; 2687 E Bronco Rd, Yuma, AZ
Luz F Nunez, Cheryl A Arviso, Ramon F Nunez
Amparo E Nunez  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 90
3160 SW 19th St, Miami, FL ; 10954 SW 4th St, Miami, FL ; 138 NW 15th Ave Apt 33, Miami, FL
Susana A Nunez, Olga Kees, Elina Lopez
Amparo Nunez  |  Coral Gables, Florida
Age: 87
1515 San Remo Ave Apt F2, Coral Gables, FL ; 541 Anastasia Ave Apt 12, Coral Gables, FL
Marguerite A Cortes
Amparo Nunez  |  Falls Church, Virginia
Phone Number: 
3550 Gordon St, Falls Church, VA ; 4801 Kenmore Ave Apt 217, Alexandria, VA
Gustavo Nunez
Amparo Nunez  |  Apopka, Florida
840 Wesley Cir Apt 210, Apopka, FL
Amparo Nunez  |  Miami, Florida
Po Box 522614, Miami, FL
Amparo Nunez  |  Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
256 High St, Catasauqua, PA
F Nunez, Joanny Nunez, Stephen Rosato
@gmail.com, @yahoo.com
Amparo Liriano Nunez  |  Takoma Park, Maryland
8520 Garland Ave Apt 103, Takoma Park, MD
Raysa Numez, Francisca Nunez, Juan C Nunez
Amparo Nunez  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 67
8410 SW 27th St, Miami, FL
Luis Rodriguez
Amparo Nunez  |  Miami, Florida
Age: 63
Phone Number: 
6886 N Kendall Dr Apt D306, Miami, FL
Amparo Nunez  |  Los Angeles, California
Phone Number: 
9520 S Western Ave Apt 1, Los Angeles, CA ; 9520 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA ; 9520 S Western Ave Apt 4, Los Angeles, CA
Amparo Nunez  |  East Chicago, Indiana
Age: 94
3815 Elm St, East Chicago, IN ; 3825 Elm St, East Chicago, IN ; 3811 Elm St, East Chicago, IN
Amparo Nunez  |  Brownsville, Texas
Age: 51
834 E Jackson St Apt 2, Brownsville, TX
Amparo Nunez  |  Los Angeles, California

Amparo Nunez may live at 6222 Arroyo Glen St in Los Angeles, CA with an 323 area phone number and may have connections to Margarita Toledo, Cristina Valencia and Veronica Valencia.

Age: 44
Phone Number: 
6222 Arroyo Glen St, Los Angeles, CA ; 1536 El Paso Dr, Los Angeles, CA ; 3409 Cazador St, Los Angeles, CA
Margarita Toledo, Cristina Valencia, Veronica Valencia
@aol.com, @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @rocketmail.com
Amparo Nunez  |  Toa Alta, Puerto Rico
Po Box 199, Toa Alta, PR ; Hc 80, Dorado, PR ; Hc 80 Box 646, Dorado, PR
Amparo Nunez  |  Baytown, Texas

Amparo Nunez may live at 51 Crestbriar Ct in Baytown, TX with an 832 area phone number and may have connections to Pablo Munez, Gisel K Hernandez and Christino Nunez.

Age: 87
Phone Number: 
832-556-8136, 908-769-3904, 281-420-6024
51 Crestbriar Ct, Baytown, TX ; 1535 Mable St, Plainfield, NJ ; 176 Hale St # 1, New Brunswick, NJ
Pablo Munez, Gisel K Hernandez, Christino Nunez
Previous Locations:
Toms River, NJ
Amparo Nunez  |  Paramount, California
Age: 53
15709 California Ave, Paramount, CA
Amparo Ramirez, Martin N Ramirez
Amparo Nunez  |  San Ysidro, California

Amparo Nunez, also possibly known as Nunez Maria, has a last known location of 3604 Beyer Blvd in San Ysidro, CA using the 619-428-4783 phone number. Potential relatives are Jose Jesus Annunez, Sergio A Nunez and Ana Nunez.

Age: 68
Phone Number: 
3604 Beyer Blvd, San Ysidro, CA ; 3604 Beyer Blvd Apt 37-103, San Ysidro, CA ; 3604 Beyer Blvd Apt 103, San Ysidro, CA
Jose Jesus Annunez, Sergio A Nunez, Ana Nunez
Seen As:
Nunez Maria
Previous Locations:
San Diego, CA
Amparo Nunez  |  Los Angeles, California
Age: 59
312 Museum Dr, Los Angeles, CA ; 5067 Lemon Grove Ave, Los Angeles, CA ; 237 Curry Ave, Vallejo, CA
Victor Nunez Ramos, Sandra J Nunez, Pablo D Nunez
Amparo Nunez  |  Austin, Texas
Age: 56
1103 Peggotty Pl, Austin, TX ; 1720 Wooten Park Dr Apt 104, Austin, TX ; 6900 Guadalupe St Apt A, Austin, TX
Armando Nunez, Enrique R Nunez, Katrina R Nunez
Amparo Nunez  |  Ontario, California
Phone Number: 
1340 N Parkside Dr, Ontario, CA ; 1340 N Parkside Dr Apt A, Ontario, CA
Amparo Nunez  |  East Chicago, Indiana
Age: 61
4212 Baring Ave, East Chicago, IN
Amparo Nunez  |  San Fernando, California
Age: 76
1943 Knox St, San Fernando, CA ; 470 Emily Way, Shafter, CA ; 13312 Herron St, Sylmar, CA
Karina D Nunez, Alma Nunez, Lucia C Nunez
Previous Locations:
Burbank, CA
Amparo A Nunez  |  Downey, California

Amparo may go by Amy Nunez or Amparo Amy Nunez and have relatives of S Quinenez Nunez, Joaquin Q Nunez and Gilbert Anthony Nunez.

Age: 63
Phone Number: 
562-291-1977, 323-569-3939
7838 Springer St, Downey, CA ; 8173 Garden View Ave, South Gate, CA ; 121 W 70th St, Los Angeles, CA
S Quinenez Nunez, Joaquin Q Nunez, Gilbert Anthony Nunez
Seen As:
Amy Nunez, Amparo Amy Nunez
Amparo A Nunez  |  Pasadena, Texas
Age: 64
Phone Number: 
201 Center St, Pasadena, TX
Jose G Nunei, Ruben Nunez Jimenez
Amparo Mercado Nunez  |  Apple Valley, California
Age: 72
Phone Number: 
13801 Delaware Rd, Apple Valley, CA ; 16227 Muni Rd, Apple Valley, CA ; 6508 Templeton St, Huntington Park, CA
Michael M Nunez, J Nunez, Delilah M Nunez
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Amparo Nunez Phone Numbers

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Names score of the surname Nunez over time


Source: U.S. Census Surname Data

Non-Hispanic or Latino White Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Black or African American Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino American Indian and Alaska Native Alone
Non-Hispanic or Latino Two or More Races
Hispanic or Latino Origin

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We can help you search for Amparo. The easiest way to look for them is by using their full name as 'Amparo Nunez' in a people search. You can also try alternative methods using an address in a known city or state. Do you know a close relative or neighbor they may be connected to? That is another potential touch point you can use to locate Amparo.

FAQ: Learn more about Amparo Nunez

What is Amparo Nunez's address?
Amparo Nunez's address is 302 E Hillside Ave, Garden City, Kansas 67846. Amparo may also have lived in Saint Petersburg, FL, and Pinellas Park, FL.
What is Amparo Nunez's phone number?
Amparo Nunez's phone number is 352-588-9850. Other phone numbers for Amparo Nunez may include 305-821-0318 and 305-693-3495.
What is Amparo Nunez's age?
Average age for Amparo Nunez is 68 years old.

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